Thursday, March 14, 2013

Shadow Escaper - Anime Style Temple Run

God it's been a while! I've come today with an app for the iOS and Android. CyberConnect2 has released an anime styled endless running game called Shadow Escaper. Now I've never tried my hands on any running game before this and to be honest I didn't get the fun of it, but what pulled me to this game honestly is  the anime art style. This review might be a little off since I'll be comparing it to Temple Run, which I have never played but heard of it and saw some videos of it, sorry. 

Shadow Escaper comes in 2 mode, survival and the regular game. In survival your main objective is to go as long as you can without dying and your score will then be compare to people online. Where as the regular game is just base on a simple story. You get to pick your character which will be a demon girl or a werewolf boy and you are captured by angels and imprisoned in some horrible cage. Once you start the game, that rickety old cage suddenly brakes and now you're on the run for your freedom. 

Game play wise it is the typical running games, but has different elements such as:
  • Enemy, objects, and puddles that needs to be avoided. If you do run over a puddle it's not game over... you just get water splattered onto your screen.
  • There are sometimes special token on the field that gives you special effects for a short time like flying, 2x the score, and magnets to collect orbs.
  • While you are running for your life, there will be orbs of light that you collect to gain points. Not only does it count for points, but these orbs will give you energy. At the end of each stage you will turn into your monster form and do some devastating damage to those son of a gun angels. Depending on how many orbs you collect, it will determine how "strong" your attack is and in turn effect how much bonus points you'll receive.
  • There is a level system where you can upgrade the special effects and increase the points that each orb gives. 
  • There are mission that you receive and once completed  you get a item from it. 

As my first time playing such a game it didn't take me long to figure out why some people might be addicted or find it entertaining. Now I didn't get addicted to the game, but while playing it I found that I became very competitive with myself and was trying to pass the level or beating my distances in survival mode. The only con I have about Shadow Escaper, the limited tries during a given time and sometimes the glitch that comes with moving around in the game. CyberConnect2 had implemented a recharge energy over time scheme which is annoying, but other than that give this game a try it's not bad at all. 

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