Tuesday, February 19, 2013

CLOSERS - Black Lamb United

Sometimes I think that most online gamers living in the US or anywhere else are living in the wrong place. Korea is no doubt the place to be if your are the type of player that like MMOs. Naddic Games, located in Korea, is in the process of making a great side scrolling fighting MOARPG (multiplayer online action RPG) called CLOSER...hopefully. There's not much known about it, but it is said that they will implement a lot of different forms of PvP, lets hope this is true. From the looks of the trailer it does look like its going to be spectacular.

The story is quiet simple and not complicated, so here goes my short summary of it. The first time you'll never hear me talk about the story of any game. Seoul is under attack by some creatures coming from another dimension, similar to The 3rd Birthday, and conveniently the appearance of these monster allow a small majority of people to gain special physic powers. Well you know where this is heading. The government of course makes use of these people formed an organization to wipe these monsters away and close the dimensional gates, these special people were later called the Closers. Peace came to Seoul and rebuilding the place proceeded. Scientist has a hunch that these gates open due to a singularity in the mysterious power....whatever that means and now has a research team to figure out more about it. Coincidentally this triggers dimensional gates opening all over the world again and this brings us to the current situation that the players will be diving into. You will be playing mainly as high school kids that are in a government group called the Black Lamb.

You are given the choice of 4 different characters to choose from, but from the looks of it there's going to be a 5th character later. They are your typical classes for the most part: Swordsman, Ranger, Caster, and Fighter (fist and leg fighting style). Each of the classes has a designated gender and character associated with it. The background story of each character is quiet funny to say the least which often doesn't happen in MMOs. For a quick run down we have:

 Seha Lee (Swordman) - his mother was one of the first legendary Closers during the first war with the monsters. This made him automatically qualified to be a Closer and is said to have the most potential, but he doesn't care for all of that. What he does care about are his video games and thinks all this special government stuff is an annoyance. He uses a heavy one handed sword it seems and after watching some of his gameplay video I feel like he would be the least fun in playing, but that's just based on first looks.

Seulbi Lee (Caster) - she's an orphan due to the first war with the monsters. Apparently she was chosen for Black Lamb after participating in a training program. Her hard work lead her to be the leader of Black Lamb. Seulbi wields two small daggers and can summon big buses to fall from the sky. Out of everyone her fighting style seems to be the most fun. 
J (Fighter) - J is a veteran when it comes to fighting the dimensional creatures. He is the only one of the 4 to not be a young kid, which is the requirement in joining Black Lamb. He's in charge of getting everyone back to safety if shit hits the roof. Little is known about his past and due to injury sustained in the first war, he's got a lot of medical problems which he takes random medications for. His game play is all about fist and legs. If I had to rank how fun it would be to play him, J would take 3rd place among the 4.

Yuri (Ranger) - Yuri is a normal high school girl who is a kendo champion. Her powers developed later than most kids, since people with special power start to show signs of their power at a very young age. Due to her late developments, she doesn't have complete mastery of her power and uses a specially design arm protectors and fire arms to assist her. Yuri uses both guns and a skinnier sword than Seha to do battle with the enemy. Her skills are said to be really flashy and her movements are very fast which makes Yuri rank 2nd in the fun category.
CLOSER isn't out yet and no confirmed dates are set, but they are aiming to have it done by 2014. Of course the players outside of Korea will have to wait a little more for publishers to pick up the license for it, lets pray someone does. I know it's a bit strange of me to write a review of a game that most people won't be able to play, but I thought it would still be a good game for people to look forwards to, cause I certainly am.

I'll be writing more reviews on games that are foreign in the sense of it's not available to other parts of the world other than the original country. Hopefully you guys will still appreciate the reviews.

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