What makes this game different to the other games like it is that all the music beatmap (which are the songs) are user generated and if your playing online, it will keep your score on their online scoreboard, so that you can see where you rank in the world. If we had to compare another game to it on how customizable Osu! is it would probably be Stepmania (DDR on the computer basically). The website has a section just for the beatmap and you can either download songs individually or in pre-made packs. Osu! also allows a wide variety of input that you can play from.
Professional players usually play using a drawing tablet instead of a mouse and to simulate the clicking there are key bindings that you can setup, but by default they're Z and X. Now you could play this using your mouse and pro-ing it up too, so don't go thinking you need a tablet to be good at this game. You could use your mouse as a "pen" while using the keyboard to do the clicking as well, which to me works better than clicking and moving the mouse at the same time actually.
The game requires you to register with them so that you can play online and download the songs. When you do register the registration will not be completed until you've enter the game once. When you first download the game there will only be a tutorial showing how to play. It does not come with songs, so downloading a few would be your second step. You can preview the songs by going over the pictures and clicking the play button before you download it. You can download by click the name of the song, so that it brings you to the songs page (benefit of this is downloading a song that has a video) or by going over the song and you'll see a heart, speech bubble, and an arrow pointing down to the right of the song. After that its game time!
You have option on how you want to play each songs and depending on what option you choose your modifier may go up or down.
This game also comes with a Taiko drum mode also, but is only available if the beatmap creator has made it like that. You can tell if the song is in Taiko mode with the drum symbol next to the songs name.
If I had to take a guess, when you finally mastered this game completely, your reaction time will go up tremendously. Which for gamers is like heaven and for casual gamers well you just have one cool skill up your sleeves.
Princípios da Engenharia de Software:
ReplyDeleteRigor – aumenta a confiança no desenvolvimento (análises e avaliações).
Formalidade – é o rigor no seu nível máximo (documentação e gerenciamento).
A Separação de Interesses - envolve dominar a complexidade separando os problemas para que seja possível suportar as atividades e processos, paralelização de atividades e separação de responsabilidades. Dividir para Conquistar!!!
Modularidade - dividir o software em módulos, trazendo a tona o conceito de sistemas modulares.
alta coesão - Os elementos do módulo devem ser fortemente relacionados entre si.
baixo acoplamento - remente a baixa interação de um módulo com os outros do sistema possibilitando que eles sejam percebidos como unidades separadas.
abstração - é a identificação de aspectos importantes de um fenômeno,ignorando seus detalhes.
antecipação à mudanças - significa ser capaz de suportar a evolução do software.
generalidade - visa descobrir, durante a resolução de um problema, se ele faz parte de uma instância mais geral, podendo sua solução ser reutilizada.
incrementação - está relacionada a evolução de um software através de incrementos estruturados.