Monday, February 4, 2013

Scarlet Blade-MMOSoftPorn

Scarlet Blade. Words can not describe how slutty this game feels. It's being released by Aeria Games and the game originally is from Korea. Scarlet Blade is now in alpha and it certainly played like one when I tested it out this weekend. To be honest this wasn't the greatest of games and I'm not sure if its just the game play or the fact that you can play only as a woman with ginormous boobs with their nipples showing at times and butts that are exposed. If your looking for a girl that doesn't have all of these, they do offer a kid like character for one of their 6 classes that you can pick from and yes shes clothe, thank god. In all seriousness you can't play as a guy and the first guy you see will be probably 30 min to an hour after playing.

The game start off by offering players the choice between 2 factions. To my knowledge there's no special bonus for picking one over the other. After picking your faction, players now have to decide which class they want. In general you get to choose between a warrior, assassin, whipper (which is a sword that detaches to section and acts like a whip), medic, a heavy guns character, and a dual gunner.

After customizing your sexy lady friend, you go through a short tutorial and head to the open world. The graphics are great for a free to play, but the game play can come as a disappointment. The battle system is slow, boring, and delayed. You'll be button mashing your keyboard just so the skill you want can register. They do have a nice auto-routing system, but that's as far as features go. There are hints that the player's character can either be a mech or control one, but still not sure when it actually comes to play in the game.

Unfortunately I couldn't write a more detail review on Scarlet Blade, since it is in alpha and I'm not sure about a lot of details. To be honest the game was a bore even for me to find out more when I was playing. Not sure if the game would have been more fun if I was playing with a friend, but I still wouldn't put the game in the bad category just yet. Hopefully when beta comes rolling around it will improve.

I'll have more pictures on the Facebook page, so if your interested to see more of the game, please head on over there. *note* view discretion is advice since it does show some boobs and butts. Probably wouldn't want to look at them while at work. Facebook Album


  1. LOL that looks good for a f2p but what the hell this is borderline hentai >_>
    i can't imagine the game to be great when its graphics are like that
    why would you pick this!?

    1. I don't review only good games now. Sometimes I come a long and find out a game isn't that great and want to state my opinions too about it!
