Thursday, December 20, 2012

Hawken - War Is A Machine

Hawken has finally started it beta testing on 12/12/12. Hawken is a free to play FPS game with a mech theme which I like. When you enter the game you are greeted with the mech you'll be piloting and unfortunately a mouse delaying screen. I have tested this out on a laptop and a desktop and for me at least both ended up being laggy at the home screen. Once you get pass this and enter the tutorial the game becomes smoother. The game offers players 4 different modes of play: Deathmatch, Team DM, Missile Assault, and Siege. I've only tested out the team death match, so I'm sorry I can't elaborate on the other modes.  

*A note about this game is that I tried this game out on a crummy desktop and game play worked fine, but later tested it out on a good laptop and the online game play was unplayable due to it lag and frame rates just being appalling! Not sure what is causing it but if I find a solution I will update you guys on that or if Meteor Entertainment fixes it.

For weapons you get 2, a rifle gun in one hand and a rocket launcher in the other. With the rifle gun you get unlimited ammo, but be warn use it constantly and it will over heat leaving you with a rocket launcher. The rocket launcher comes equipped with unlimited ammo as well, but reloading that sucker will take you a few seconds. You are also taught the art of flying, strafing, and the power of nos, which all take fuel to perform. Fuel is limited and once empty will take a while to refill back. If you do get hurt in the line of fire you have a friendly companion that the players can call upon to repair their mechs.

After winning a few matches you'll be able to level up and put skill points into 3 different types of skill categories. At this moment I'm not sure what is the max level cap is.

The sound effects, UI, and movements in this games immerses you into the game, making you feel like your really in the cockpit of the mech. Although this is awesome it might be a little hard to get use to when your trying to kill your enemy, but have no fear they have given you the option to reduce the shakiness when moving the mech. 
It does take a while to get use to like any other FPS game, but I think Hawken has a lot going for it. I mean for one I feel its the first game that make you feel like your in the cockpit of a beast and that is always a bonus.  

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